Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Kalyan Chatterjee

The writer has been a media professional for 38 years. He was the former HoD of the Amity School of Communication, Amity University.

Taming Global Warming Through Rewilding

November 18, 2022
Every trick that has occurred to environmentalists, forest departments, governments and even the judiciary has been tried to regreen the surface of the earth and check environmental deterioration — be it planting more trees or curbing forest fires or cordoning off forest
Waste In Space

Waste In Space

August 2, 2022
Tall promises have been made in recent months by top leaders about reversing global warming within the next half-century. Any roadmap to reach this goal must have two crucial components: monitoring and action, in that order. Ever since the watershed 1992 Rio

Save The Lakes

At the dawn of the 20th century, it was widely believed that wetlands were merely a transitional stage in the succession from open waters to land. But by the 1940s, there was a growing acceptance that wetlands were a distinct ecosystem. Today,

Powering Up From The Grassroots

Much before the urgency of transitioning to renewable energy dawned upon us to combat global warming and climate change, the idea of harnessing the sun to generate electricity had taken root in a small village called Tilonia, about 50 km northeast of
India’s coastline

Going Underwater

India’s coastline is slowly, but surely, being swallowed up by the sea. The east coast is under greater threat, and at some points along the Bay of Bengal the coastline is receding by as much as 20 metres every year. Though about
solar power generation

When Green Turns To Red

The world is threatened by global warming and India, as expected, is attempting to play a leading role. In the short foreseeable term, it aims to meet half of its energy requirements from renewable sources and reduce carbon emissions by one billion
Van Gujjars

Friends of Forests

February 6, 2022
To achieve the target of restricting the rise in global warming to not more than 1.5o C by 2030, the emission of greenhouse gases all over the planet needs to come down by 7.5% annually for a decade, starting in 2020, according

Decoding India’s Population Riddle

January 20, 2022
Much is being made of a recent finding about India’s fertility rate dropping to replacement level, giving rise to the impression that the country has finally succeeded in defusing the “population explosion bomb”. But has India finally reversed population growth? No black