Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand in the Western Himalayas, Arunachal Pradesh in the Eastern Himalayas, the Khasi and Garo Hills and the Lushai and Patkai ranges of India’s Northeast are all in the throes of a similar problem-an ever-burgeoning population and development at the cost of nature. Larger and larger projects, often taken up in the face of qualified advice and considered opinion by way of studies and assessments, are rapidly tilting the scales away from balanced progress towards development at all costs.
In peninsular India, the issue of man versus nature in the name of infrastructure and economic growth has been a long-standing one.
The ecologically fragile Western Ghats and the ranges that flow from them, the Annamalais and the Nilgiris in particular, echo issues from the northern highlands, and yet have a distinctive set of problems that demand their own solutions.