Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Vivian Fernandes

He is senior journalist and columnist for several reputed publication. He was formerly with CNBC-Network18 and specializes in the agriculture sector and economy. He has written more 450 articles on agriculture alone.

Rice Fortification: Hyped up or Beneficial?

July 4, 2022
On April 8, this year, the cabinet approved a scheme to supply fortified rice kernels (FRKs) through Public Distribution System (PDS) shops, Anganwadi centres and schools. In the first phase, rice in mid-day meals, renamed as PM-Poshan 2.0, served to pre-primary children
Criminal Procedure

Big Brother Looms Larger

A law which Parliament approved in early April to replace a 102-year-old piece of legislation and give legal backing to the collection of measurements of convicts and other persons is so wide in its ambit regarding both personal data points that can
labour codes

Labouring For Reforms

April 3, 2022
Will the central government give effect to the four labour codes by notifying the rules, now that the ruling BJP has been endorsed by voters in four out of five states in the recent elections? Hope among employers of this happening had
forest cover of india

Greenwashing Numbers

The biannual India State of Forest Report 2021 (ISFR), released on January 13, proclaims heart-warming tidings that the country’s forest or tree cover has increased by 1,540 sq km since the last survey in 2019. But environmental experts say this is green
oil palm cultivation

Oily Dilemma

February 6, 2022
The mission announced in August 2021 to bring an additional 6.5 lakh hectares under oil palm cultivation by the end of March 2026 is necessary to reduce the country’s dependence on imported edible oil but its extension to the Andamans should be

Drop and Crop

August 2, 2021
Agriculture anywhere in the world consumes a great deal of water, but Indian agriculture particularly is a water guzzler. Its usage is among the highest in the world. Satellite data and surveys of deep wells by the Central Groundwater Research Board show

Shaken to the Core

June 16, 2021
India had gone into a freeze at this time last year in a bid to arrest the spread of Covid-19. The lockdown was announced with just a few hours’ notice and took people by surprise. It commenced on March 25 and its