Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Narendra Modi - Page 5


Green is the Colour of Money

Prime Minister Narendra Modi sprang a surprise at the climate change conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, last November by announcing that India will achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2070. Since then, the government has taken a series of steps in that direction.
cow dung

Cow Dung, Everything But Waste

March 17, 2022
On March 10, beer company South African Breweries announced that it will soon use the manure of over 7,000 cows to power its operations. In a statement, the company briefed about the power-purchase agreement with Bio2Watt, an industrial-scale biogas waste-to-energy company that works
unemployment in India

No Vacancy

March 4, 2022
Last year, Indian Railways invited applications for 35,000 posts it had created for non-skilled workers called Non-Technical Popular Categories. A total of 12.5 million (1.25 crore) candidates, mostly youth, applied. They included some holding master’s degrees and PhDs when the requirement was

The Frigid Side of The Great Migration Dream

February 15, 2022
On January 19, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police discovered four frozen bodies near Emerson in Canada’s Manitoba province. The dead, part of an 11-member group of Indians allegedly trying to cross over to the US from Canada illegally, included a three-year-old boy.
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