Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Commentary - Page 2


Bonds Of Disempowerment

March 26, 2024
Suddenly, electoral bonds (EBs) which have been in active use in polls for years to fund political parties and enable them to meet their needs or expenses during election campaigns have turned sour. Now they stand scrapped or banned for what seems
Waste In Space

Waste In Space

August 2, 2022
Tall promises have been made in recent months by top leaders about reversing global warming within the next half-century. Any roadmap to reach this goal must have two crucial components: monitoring and action, in that order. Ever since the watershed 1992 Rio

Coded For Exclusion

July 4, 2022
In March this year, headline managers of the government went to town to the sound of the proverbial drumbeats and with considerable backslapping, announcing that in 2021-22 a total of 7,422 crore (74.22 billion) digital transactions were carried out—a 33% increase over

India and the Pollution It Breathes

June 15, 2022
The latest Air Quality Life Index by the Energy Policy Institute of University of Chicago has found air pollution to be one of the biggest health threats for India. Toxic air pollutants are reducing life expectancy by five years in the country, with pollution