The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu spoke at a ceremony that marked the landmark Janjatiya Gaurav Diwas, that celebrates the birth anniversary of the legendary freedom fighter from tribal quarters, Birsa Munda. Speaking of the extreme sacrifice and the courage displayed by Tribal communities at every opportune moment in history, he emphasized on the need for further inclusion of these people in all fields. In tandem with his thoughts, the Union Minister of Tourism, Culture and DoNER, Shri G Kishan Reddy, also echoed the same sentiment. This time, though the VP urged everyone present to cast a glance on the tribal crafts persons.
With the week long celebrations in Nov 2021 to recognize the sheer quantum of efforts and talent in the tribal communities, he spoke about how social impact would be created in a sustainable and wholesome way by:
- Giving tribal crafts people their due with access to resources and marketplaces;
- Ensuring that their representation would be on a more inclusive footing much like the Hunar Haat recently held in UP where all artists and crafts people stood on the same platform;
- Making their arts and crafts much more mainstream so that they are able to scale new heights and tap into greater economic opportunities;
- Preserving their heritage with a sizable and qualitative dose of rural development so that they have access to healthcare, welfare and education for more informed choices and better opportunities.
The VP also spoke about structuring social movements and social drives with tribal crafts persons duly represented since they form an important part of the heritage of the nation in general and tribal communities in particular. This also comes as a follow up of the words used by PM Modi while describing a more equitable development and welfare in the North East regions of our nation.