#Youth4SDGs is to raise awareness about the subject of sustainable development among India’s youth to get them engaged in the process of helping and creating projects targeted at achieving the goals on a local and international level. The recent dialogue began with the welcome address by Lt. Gen. Sunil Kumar Gadeock of Amity University. The event was hosted by Raisina House, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, supported by Tatsat Chronicle.
H.E. Walter J. Lindner, German Ambassador to India and Bhutan on Youth4SDGs | Tatsat Chronicle
H.E. Walter J. Lindner, German Ambassador to India on Youth4SDGs | Tatsat Chronicle
Aparna Das, GIZ India on Imagining Our Cities Towards Sustainable Cities and Communities
Aparna Das, Senior Advisor, GIZ India speaks on Urbanisation in India