Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Modern Slavery Is On The Rise

The latest data compiled by the ILO reveals that modern slavery is not only thriving but also increasing, despite growing awareness and economic progress. The Asia-Pacific, which is the world’s most populous region, leads in perpetuating modern slavery
October 9, 2022
Low priority: Debate on modern slavery has remained in the discursive stage, instead of addressing the conditions that lead to it

In early September, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) released a startling report that brought into focus the magnitude of ‘modern slavery’. Slavery in the conventional sense might have been abolished or has been deemed illegal in most parts of the world, but that doesn’t mean its manifestations in different forms have ceased to exist. The report, “Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriages”, throws up startling statistics on some of the most regressive practices that prevail around the world.

The growing inequity in the distribution of natural and common resources and wealth is, in fact, pushing more people into modern slavery despite decades of economic progress.

The report—prepared by the ILO, Walk Free and the International Organisation for Migration—states that approximately 50 million people around the world are trapped into modern slavery on any given day, “either forced to work against their will or in a marriage that they were forced into”. This means one in every 150 people is entrapped in modern practices of slavery. The report points out that this is not a transitory phenomenon—entrapment into forced labour can last for years and forced marriages last almost the lifetime of the sufferers.

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Vivek Mukherji

He is the Executive Editor of Tatsat Chronicle and has more than 22 years of experience during which he held several senior editorial positions in print publications, news television and digital media platforms. The former Managing Editor of Sports Illustrated has launched two editions of one India’s largest circulating English newspapers and five magazines. He has written and reported on wide-ranging subjects from crime to politics, from technology to sports, from bureaucracy and governance to environmental issues.