Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

June 2021



June 16, 2021
It gives me immense joy and pride to introduce Tatsat Chronicle to our readers. After months of planning in these difficult times due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our dedicated editorial team, contributors and designer have produced a path-breaking magazine that focuses exclusively

Footballing for good

June 16, 2021
Football was introduced in India by the British towards the end of the 19th century. The Dalhousie Football Club was the first football club that was established in 1878. Since then, the beautiful game has seen many ups and downs. From being

Southward Bound

Economic upheavals unleashed by Covid-19 have severely impacted corporate social responsibility (CSR) spends. Analysis of available data reveals that CSR spending in 2020 dropped by almost half compared to 2019. The silver lining, however, is that it spawned a new wave of

Question of the Collective

For nearly one-and-a-half decades the world has been plunged into a dilemma it has not yet found a way of getting out of. The final straw that is breaking the proverbial camel’s back is the Covid-19 pandemic that has halted the world

Shaken to the Core

June 16, 2021
India had gone into a freeze at this time last year in a bid to arrest the spread of Covid-19. The lockdown was announced with just a few hours’ notice and took people by surprise. It commenced on March 25 and its