Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Hockey India Evading RTI Queries, Citing Exceptions Mentioned In Act

Indian courts have repeatedly observed that sports federations are public bodies which fall within the ambit of the RTI Act and should encourage transparency. Yet, Hockey India steadfastly refuses to provide information regarding the hosting of the Hockey India Awards and the appointment procedure, role and duties of its CEO
October 31, 2023

Hockey India has refused to share details about expenses related to its award functions over the years and with regard to its CEO’s duties, responsibilities, powers, and remuneration, according to an RTI activist.

In his RTI application, lawyer Subhash Chandra Aggrawal included a question on the “head-wise detail year-wise on expenses made on functions to give Hockey India awards from institution of these awards till date specially about expenses made towards venues of the functions held separately for different years”.

In response to this particular query, Hockey India said, “The information is exempt from disclosure under Section 8(1)(d) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 as the information is of commercial confidence and also third-party information.”

In a separate application, among other queries, Aggrawal sought to know “complete information together with file notings, correspondence, documents, etc. on [the] appointment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Hockey India mentioning name, nationality, monetary and other benefits available to the CEO. Please also mention if any amount is paid to CEO in foreign currency or fund-transfer to some foreign bank-account”.

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Jayanta Bhattacharya

Journalist. Curious about astronomy, cinema, communications, digital media, geostrategy, human rights, military, tech, and nature.