Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched a 100-day reading campaign, Padhe Bharat on Saturday.
The purpose of the 100-day reading campaign is to promote a pleasing reading culture by ensuring the availability of age-appropriate reading books for children in local, mother tongue, regional and tribal languages in line with the National Education Policy 2020.
At the beginning of the campaign, the Union Minister emphasised the importance of reading. He said children need to be ensured lifelong education. Dharmendra Pradhan said that if reading habits can be inculcated in children at an early age, then their brains will develop and their imagination will increase and it will be possible to create a suitable learning environment for children.
The union minister said that reading is the foundation of education which inspires students to read books independently. It enhances their creativity, their ability to think and solve complex issues, increase their vocabulary and express themselves through writing and speaking. It will help children to be aware of the surrounding situation and real life. He emphasised the need to create a conducive learning environment for students to enjoy reading books and develop their skills.
Dharmendra Pradhan urged students to share the names of five books students have chosen for reading. He encouraged everyone to get into the habit of reading books.
The Padhe Bharat campaign is focused on children from nursery to eighth grade. This campaign will run for 14 weeks (100 days), till 10 April. Students at the national and state levels, teachers, parents, education administrators – all can join the programme. Students participating in the programme will be divided into several groups. Each week, a group will be given certain topics, which will be related to daily life. The campaign has been launched with the aim of inculcating the joy of reading among the students and making their experience useful for life.