The Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government has asked all departments to switch over to e-office completely by June 30, and directed that the required infrastructure should be put in place by June 20 for the timely rollout of the AAP dispensation’s ambitious project.
According to the circular issued by the Department of Information Technology on June 3, each department would have to set up a central registration unit equipped with high-speed scanners, computers and internet connections for digitization of records for uploading at headquarters electronics.
“All departments must ensure to put in place requisite infrastructure by June 20, positively so as to enable timely rollout of e-office project,” read the circular.
In another circular issued on June 3, the department said that the Nodal Manager of the Electronic Headquarters project has approved the transfer of the old version of the Electronic Headquarters to the new version.
“NIC (National Informatics Centre) will carry out such upgradation work between June 17 and June 19. Accordingly, services of e-office will not be available…” it said.
In an order issued last month, the IT department had scheduled June 30 for a complete overhaul of e-office.
The Delhi cabinet had in 2015 approved the implementation of e-office in all departments, autonomous and local agencies of the Delhi government and following this decision, the IT department issued several circulars. Some departments have implemented it, but the new order states that all departments will have to be changed.