Shri Venkaiah Naidu, the Vice president of India, made some sweeping remarks about better inclusion for specially-abled or disabled people in our country. If taken in context, the remarks can have wide-ranging effects on the way our society is structured. These remarks were delivered as a part of VP Naidu’s address when he arrived for the inauguration of a Regional Vocational Training Centre in Nellore. This training centre is aimed at people with disabilities and also for rural women.
When speaking on the occasion of the inauguration of the regional vocational training centre, VP Naidu mentioned how endeavours like this would create a society with more inclusion. The point, he mentioned, was to create a place where disabled and specially challenged people would have the same opportunities but in workspaces that would mandatorily be built to suit their needs and their way of life as well. This pertained directly to the cause of accessibility in a more mainstream way in our society.
Kausalya Sadanam is the name of another regional vocational training centre that was inaugurated in the presence of officials from the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Secundrabad. This regional centre was inaugurated later in the day and it caters to rural women. In a press release by the Press Information Bureau, VP Naidu took the opportunity to talk about how inclusion has to become even more mainstream than ever before.
These comments and developments came in the face of the various inclusivity and inclusion based themes that India has been supporting and pushing for, on a global front including forums like G20 and the Cop26 where PM Modi has made remarks in favour of the same. At the inauguration, the VP also made a special request to private organizations to mandatorily employ people with special needs and redesign the way their corporate structures work in favour of accessibility.