The Krishi Vigyan Mela, organised by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute from March 9-11, 2022, with the theme “Self-reliant farmer with technical knowledge”, was concluded with the felicitation of farmers from all over the country with the ICAR-Innovative Farmer 2022 Award.
About 40,000 farmers from different regions of the country participated in the fair, and more than 100 institutes of Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Vigyan Kendras benefited from the improved varieties and innovative techniques.
In this fair, live demonstration of drone technology, precision farming, wheat, fruits, vegetables, flowers, models of various agricultural technologies and agricultural consultancy services were put up by the IARI. The major attractions of this fair are Smart/Digital Agriculture, Agri Startup and Farmer Producer Organization (FPO), Pusa Institute’s latest technologies like Pusa Farm Sun Fridge, Pusa Decomposer, Pusa Complete Biofertiliser ( a unique recipe, which contains nitrogen has the ability to provide elements like phosphorus, potassium etc. ). More than 1,500 quintals of seeds were also sold from the Pusa Institute’s own stall.
Two technical sessions were held on the last day. The first session was the innovative farmers’ conference, which was presided over by Dr. KV. Prabhu, Chairperson, Farmers’ Rights and Plant Variety Protection Authority. Director of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Dr. A.K. Singh, Chairman and Co-Chairman Dr. D.K. Yadav, Deputy Director General (Seeds) Indian Agricultural Research Institute and gave a brief account of his contribution to Indian agriculture.
Dr Singh spoke about the technically empowered farmers who can take advantage of the potential of new technologies. He spoke about the major innovations, such as Kisan Sarathi, which is a 24 x 7 helpline, and Pusa Samachar, which are playing a leading role in solving the problems of the farmers. Dr. Prabhu gave importance to harmony between farmers and scientists. He appreciated them for innovation in agriculture, struggle in invention and encouraged the innovative farmers.
According to him, new dimensions are opening up for the farmers through new. The Government of India is always ready to provide resources, facilities, economic and technical assistance to the farmers. He emphasized the importance of intellectual property on a global scale in the future and its protection. Gave information about farmers’ rights and utility of Plant Variety Protection Authority, rights of breeders, rights of farmers. Dr. D.K. Yadav also supported Dr Prabhu’s point and advised the farmers to be aware of their rights. He appreciated the inventions and the tendency of farmers rich in local material and technical knowledge. He called for achieving success and higher income by taking advantage of the technologies developed by Pusa Sansthan.
The last technical session of the fair was based on Agri Startup and Farmer Producer Organization. The chief guest of this session, Dr. A.K. Singh, Deputy Director General (Agriculture Extension), Indian Council of Agricultural Research. On stage with him was Dr. S.K. Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, Dr. Sanjay Garg, Additional Secretary (DARE) and Secretary, Indian Council of Agricultural Research were also present as guests of honour. Dr. A.K. Singh, DDG stressed the formation of FPOs, which are mainly beneficial to small farmers, who are hesitant to take their produce to the open markets. He spoke about the need for the creation of cluster-based facilitation centers for farmers, so that value addition and processing can be promoted and 10,000 FPOs of the Prime Minister. to meet the construction target.
The farmers will be able to get the benefit of the recently launched scheme “One District One Product” only when they can get suitable marketing support, and it will be available to all sections of the farmers through FPO. It is possible to meet only through FPO Its success will be possible only when it directly reaches the commercial level buyer. Ordinary customers are also ready to buy assured quality food items only when well-known FPOs.