Having kickstarted India’s largest feeding drive on International Dog Day, pet care brand Wiggles stepped up its commitment with its feeding drive across Pune on World Food Day. With support from over 18 feeding groups and NGO’s like Blue Cross Society and Bhumi Foundation, Wiggles led the drive by donating a total of 900 kgs of dry food and 300 packets of wet food to over 3000 community and stray dogs across different locations in Pune.
With an aim to spread awareness and create an impact about the importance of providing food with the right nutrition for dogs, Wiggles introduces its campaign ‘Leave No Dog Behind’ thus further developing a culture of positive social change.
Speaking on the drive, Anushka Iyer, Founder and CEO, Wiggles, said, “Ensuring that our pets and streeties receive right nutrition is something we have been actively advocating. As a brand, we are cautious of the holistic needs of pets and streeties equally and hope that our small efforts add up to a positive impact in the longer run. We have always been torch bearers of the preventive care and veterinary first approach. We are grateful to have 18 organisations with us such as Blue Cross, Bhumi Foundation to partner with us on this journey of leave no dog behind.”