As part of Poshan Maah, a workshop for NGOs on Nutrition and Health was organized by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. The purpose of the workshop was to closely associate NGOs working with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in the mission of Sahi Poshan.Desh Roshan.
The workshop was attended by more than 70 NGOs working in the health sector in tribal areas.
Ms. Anuja Agarwala, senior dietician at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi explained the need for proper nutrition during pregnancy, for lactating mothers and beyond. Her colleague Ms. Richa Jaiswal gave detailed information on optimal nutrition for heart health and beyond. A chart showing age-wise nutrition needs was also shared with the participating NGOs.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is working with more than 350 Non-Governmental Organisations that have roots in difficult geographies including hilly, remote and border areas to make sure that the Poshan Maah reaches everyone who are in need.
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