President Ram Nath Kovind visited Uttar Pradesh on Friday to lay the foundation stones for the Uttar Pradesh National Law University and a new building complex of the Allahabad High Court.
The Uttar Pradesh government in its 2021-2022 budget has decided to set up a National Law University branch in Prayagraj while Rs 450 crore has been allocated for buildings of courts in districts.
An amount of Rs 100 crore is proposed for the construction of houses for judges of the High Court.
A budget provision of Rs 150 crore has been made for building construction of Lucknow Bench of Allahabad High Court and Rs 450 crore for Allahabad High Court is made.
The new Allahabad high court complex also includes a multi-level parking facility, an advocate chamber library, and an auditorium. According to the Uttar Pradesh government, the building complex will have around 2,600 chambers for the lawyers of the court. Around 6,000 million rupees have been released for the entire project.
Union law minister Kiren Rijiju, Chief Justice of India (CJI) NV Ramana, and other senior judges also graced the foundation-stone laying ceremony today with their presence. After the President unveiled the plaque for the institution, Union minister Rijiju said that Prayagraj is the centre of culture and education and emboldens the spirit that the judiciary must always remain independent in its approach.
“We want India to be the centre of arbitration and mediation of the world,” he said. “Speedy and timely delivery of justice to the common man is our target. I ensure that the central government is working with all its might to strengthen the judiciary.”
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