Tatsat Chronicle Magazine

Path to Progress filled with Compromise: End of Climate Convention Cop26

November 15, 2021

The Cop26 has ended in Glasgow, and the leaders, as well as the representatives of the UN, have found that the path to progress when it comes to climate change, is not a straight or simple one. The political lens is still very much alive and kicking in such a case, where the politics and the private players have their own interests installing a number of paths and programs that can cause widespread restoration of the world’s climate and its resources.

While conservation and restoration have been the main theme in the Cop26 event, inclusion has also enjoyed much debate and an agreement by all parties. Yet, there is still a long way to go as the UN Secretary-General noted when he spoke of the range of compromises that had to be done in order to allow for political parties and private parties to be in a better place as far as their vested interests were concerned.

Yet, there were a number of positive outcomes that came from the Cop26. While a concrete commitment to the climate and its changing face could not be fully garnered, there was the conduct of the Youth Day which brought in over 40,000 young voices so that the future of climate change may be discussed.

While the changes may not have been sufficient at the Cop26, they are enough for now, as per the UN chief. It is understandable that sweeping changes would be resisted by major policymakers until they understand how the economic ramifications, if any, may impact them in the long run. Ending fossil fuel subsidies and rolling out programs to put a price on leaving a carbon footprint among other changes would lead to a $100 Billion USD commitment that countries and their governments may not be entirely ready to make.