Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said the construction of roads, bridges and schools has made Naxal-affected Bastar the centre of development in the region.
Highlighting the work done by his government to change the situation in the Naxal-affected areas, the Chhattisgarh Chief Minister said development works were underway in new bridges, culverts, roads and schools, which had been closed for years.
“The Bastar is changing and development work is ongoing. After almost 15 years, schools have reopened, 156 in Bijapur and 98 in Sukma have reopened. People are benefiting from state government programmes,” said Bhupesh Baghel, quoted by ANI.
“People’s incomes are increasing. Bijapur alone has four tractor showrooms. Apart from motorbikes and cars, Jagdalpur has tractor showrooms. This shows that people are benefitting from government projects,” he said.
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel also contacted the local people of Bhanpuri, Bhanpur on Friday as part of his ‘Wint Mulkat’ campaign. He also announced facilities for the people.
He also said that the Bastar district is improving in terms of health, income and education.
The products of women self-help groups are recognised in agriculture, minor forest products, goat, poultry and fish, and marine markets are also opening in all towns, he said.