Paree Sanitary Pads has named filmstar Janhvi Kapoor as the new face of the brand. Janhvi will endorse the brand Paree and advocate the importance of menstrual hygiene. The brand has also launched a new campaign titled ‘Iske toh parr nikal aaye’ featuring the actor for its new range of sanitary pads — Paree Super Ultra with double feathers.
The outreach sees Kapoor asks women to not hold back during periods physically or psychologically. “Janhvi meets our core target group of 18-25-year-olds. They are breaking out, aspire, know they are good and she fits that segment very well. Paree is a young brand and we felt that this association will turn out to be a great fit,” Sahil Dharia, founder and chief executive, Soothe Healthcare, told BrandWagon Online.
“We are excited to have Janhvi Kapoor as our brand ambassador. She is a young and talented actor with a strong connection with the youth of the country. As a feminine hygiene brand, we understand the many avatars of the modern Indian woman and provide them with products as per her needs. Janhvi despite being a star comes across as real and relatable which endears her to the girls out there making her a perfect fit for the brand. We look forward to this association.” Sahil added.
The company claims in terms of ad-spend on the new campaign, 70% of the budgets would be for traditional mediums such as television — across Hindi general entertainment channels, regional, music and news channels — as well as on print ads in states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, among others.
“As a growing brand, we need a solid above the line presence. Through this campaign, we are building a stage for that,” the company’s general manager, marketing, Samta Datta, added. Thirty per cent of the spend would be directed towards digital platforms such as YouTube as well as the brand’s own social media channels.
According to the fourth National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) in 2015-16, half the women in rural India (52%) do not use hygienic methods of protection during their menstrual period. Available data reveal that menstrual hygiene management remains deprioritized due to factors such as a deep-seated social gender construct, cultural myths, and discriminatory traditions. This was the case even when there was no pandemic.
Findings from a recent study conducted by Population Foundation of India in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar in April-May 2020, showed that more than half the young girls interviewed reported having an unmet need for sanitary pads.