The Holy Ganges River has been in the news of late, more than ever, thanks to the climate change spotlight that has been trained on its holy waters and the communities that surround it. While the limited flow of the Ganga has been one of the foremost programs and outcomes, much like the River Yamuna, there has been a greater global spotlight on the issue of conservation for this river.
Before understanding what the exhibition titled Ganga Connect really focused on, we must understand the social impact of the programs that have been put in place back home. PM Modi announced that for the purity of the Ganga River, there is a need to create a state of the art and exclusive sewage plant in Varanasi, the main town that lines the Ganga ghats or its shoreline. Further, rejuvenation of the habitats along the Ganga is an important part of the water positive approach that needs to be followed in order to garner even more participation and inclusion of all communities along the shoreline.
In keeping with these kinds of commitments and changes back home, the Cop26 organized an exhibition at the Cardiff University in the UK to talk about the Ganga and how it must be restored and conserved as one of the largest river habitats in the world as of now. The outcome of the Ganga Connects program was to take the work of the NMCG even further in recognizing the work and welfare of the habitats that lay along the ghats of this holy river.
Apart from a spiritual and philosophical context, there is a very strong welfare angle that must be addressed in terms of the restoration and conservation of this well-known river system. This would undoubtedly have a wide social impact on the way the communities and habitats become more sustainable and climate oriented in the future.