According to the latest government data, India registered 52,974 cybercrime cases in 2021, an increase of over 5% from 2020 (50,035 cases) and over 15% from 2019 (44,735 cases).
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Crime in India 2021 report, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Assam account for more than 70% of cybercrime incidents. According to the NCRB, which comes under the Ministry of Home Affairs, the average rate of cybercrime incidents (per one lakh population) was recorded at 3.9 in the country in 2021
The charge-sheeting rate in cybercrime cases in 2021 was recorded at 33.8, the report showed, suggesting that the police probe was completed only in one-third of the cases registered across the country.
According to the report, fraud was the motive behind 60.8% (32,230) cases of cybercrime, followed by sexual abuse in 8.6% (4,555) cases and extortion in 5.4% (2,883) cases.
Among states and union territories, Telangana reported the highest number of cybercrime cases (10,303), followed by Uttar Pradesh (8,829), Karnataka (8,136), Maharashtra (5,562) and Assam (4,846), while Delhi had 356.
Of the cyber crimes reported nationally, 4,071 were identity theft, 11,422 were cheating by impersonation, and more than 9,000 of publishing or transmitting obscene, sexual content.
According to the report, there were also 55 cases related to tampering with computer source documents and 648 cases of ransomware.
Another 1,176 were booked under “cyberbullying or harassment of children and women”, 170 under “data theft”, and 1,624 under “fraud – debit/credit card”.
The NRCB said that in 2021, there were a total of 15 “cyber terrorism” incidents across the country, including three in Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and three in Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Punjab, Telangana and Uttarakhand.