Awards for tech and other companies have traditionally been centred on market size captured as well as branding and revenue. This year, the tech awards for 2021 focussed on elements that would have a definite social impact on the way corporate policies are framed and the way corporate approach their operations. While CSR was traditionally one of the major frameworks along which awards would hand out in the social responsibility sector, there has been a widening of the playing field with concepts like diversity, inclusion and culture joining the fray. Tech company Progress has been awarded one of the major honours on all three counts. This is a major indicator of how corporate houses and tech companies are planning to run their affairs and the criteria along which they would lay down their policies.
This award comes a day after the UN Secretary-General pushed an address at the Cop26 this year to talk about inclusion and other such ideals when tackling climate change along with investment decisions in an ‘all hands on deck‘ approach by nations as well corporate houses spread out over various nations. Accordingly, there has been a recognition of communities, minorities and companies that have laid emphasis on climate change and made it an integral part of their policies. This includes a perpetuation of these ideals into the very culture and social responsibility of such companies.
Awards for tech include such criteria, which would also have a defining impact on the way a corporate house and tech giants formulate their social responsibility ideals into the mainstream policies and the way they run their businesses. Needless to say, this would also have an impact on revenue-generating policies followed by tech companies in particular as they strive to reach underserved areas with the smallest possible carbon footprint.