Ministry of Labour’s e-Shram portal reached 23 crore registrations within 200 days, said Union Labour Welfare and Employment Minister Bhupender Yadav in a video-conference with national-level office-bearers of unorganised trade unions held to address the issues of unorganised workers. The minister also informed that special camps will be organised for brick kiln, forest-based industries and gardeners to register on this website.
The meeting was attended by representatives of construction workers, domestic workers, textile mill workers, municipal workers, transport workers, roadside vendors, brick kiln workers and railway warehouse workers’ unions. The union representatives praised the ministry’s e-Shram portal, saying the website not only provided workers with an identity, but also dignity and helped to alleviate their suffering.
Union minister Bhupender Yadav said that the Centre is working tirelessly for the welfare and development of unorganied workers. He noted the need to ensure the safety and welfare of workers to make India a self-sufficient country. He informed that 21 monitoring centres in various parts of the country have been revived to address the demands of migrant workers, and the ministry is monitoring the activities of these centres daily.
“The Government has undertaken several social security schemes for unorganised workers. Besides, the all India survey of domestic and migrant workers is also undertaken with full earnestness, and soon the Government will take meaningful and constructive action on the report, keeping in view the aspect of social security and welfare of the working class,” he further said.
The union minister also highlighted the importance of more than 400 occupations and sub-occupations comprising the unorganised sector. He stated that it is the endeavour of the government to implement the proviso of ESIC all over the country. After the survey of domestic and migrant workers, the data shall be linked to the e-Shram portal. The NCS portal will also be linked to e-Shram.