Bharat Certis Agriscience recently organised a farmer training programme at two villages, Khera and Rupana in Siwani, district Bhiwani, Haryana for approximately 200 farmers from its five adopted villages, Khera, Rupana, Dulkot, Dhani Balhara and Dhani Girja. The programme was under its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme.
The training was imparted by resource persons, scientist Dr Gulab Singh, horticulture expert Dr Murari Lal and meteorology expert Dr Anuj Kumar from Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bhiwani.
Dr Murari Lal advised the farmers to adopt cultivation of fruit crops, such as ber, bael and pomegranate, which are suitable for the prevailing local soil and water conditions. He emphasised many uses of bael and its market demand. He advised farmers to get their samples of soil and water tested and explained the methods of taking soil samples from the field and groundwater.
Dr Gulab Singh informed the farmers about Integrated Farming System (IFS) and encouraged them to adopt it for generating more income and minimising the risk. In addition to traditional farming, he urged farmers to adopt beekeeping, poultry, fisheries, fruit crop cultivation and intercropping and other farming methods.
Dr Anuj Kumar talked about the role of the weather forecast in farming and highlighted its importance.
A crop protection products company, Bharat Certis Agriscience (earlier Bharat Insecticides Ltd.) is a group company of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., Japan, which has adopted five villages in Haryana under its CSR programme. In addition to tree plantation, the 44-year-old company works on imparting expert training to farmers on best practices of agriculture and safe use of pesticides.