India, UK, Australia to launch new group IRIS in (COP 26) meeting
India Australia and the UK alliance have concocted to launch a new faction of “Infrastructure for the Resilient Island States (IRIS) in COP26. The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) is scheduled from October 31 to November 12, 2021. The Prime Minister of India is substantially to launch IRIS in the imminent Conference of Parties (Cop26) anticipated being held in Glasgow The IRIS will be a pioneer with small island developing states (SIDS). India, Australia, and the UK have effectuated initial funding of $10million for the motive. The stratagem aims to raise a federation to build infrastructure that thwarts natural disasters and truncate economic losses in island countries.
The prime intention of the alliance is to proffer small island developing nations enduring the effects of worsening disasters facile access to the entire technology and assistance they deem significant. SIDS, comprising 58 countries in the Arabian, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and south China sea regions, is in peril to geophysical and hydro-meteorological imperilment The proposition is to support as these countries entail critical infrastructure to be concatenated to each other to have access to the market. Therefore, through this rostrum, the planning process, and infrastructure can be built in a comprehensive manner that meets the needs of the subjective groups.
Tsunamis, cyclones, earthquakes and heavy rains are incessant and potent among these countries. Susceptibility to very high relative economic losses due to disasters sums in the range of 1-10 per cent of GDP annually.
SIDS accounts for two-thirds of the country that sway the highest relative losses due to disasters. The IRIS platform aims at creating an infrastructure that can withstand disasters and reduce the economic losses in the Island nation.
Kamal Kishore, who is the Indian co-chair of the executive committee of the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, expressed those 78 rounds of consultations were carried out within SIDS that signify learning among the counterparts. It incorporates building codes more resistant to disasters and also makes available technical and institutional capacities.